Young girl paralyzed after doing a backbend

A 5-year-old girl named Eden has suffered an extremely rare injury after performing a backbend in her parents' Rancho Palos Verdes home that left her paralyzed.

Eden's mom, Kylee Hoelscher, writes on a GoFundMe page that was set up to help cover a portion of Eden's medical bills, that her daughter did a backbend in December and collapsed saying her legs, back and hips hurt.

Hoelscher explains that Eden is an active, "adrenaline junkie" and so she initially wasn't worried.

However, 30 minutes later, Eden said she felt like her feet were sleeping and she couldn't move her legs.

Hoelscher rushed her to the hospital, where they eventually learned the devastating news. The backbend, something Eden had done many times before, hyper-extended her spine and caused an artery to stop pumping blood to her spinal cord, which caused a stroke in the spinal cord.

Eden is now in a wheelchair and is going to Kennedy Krieger in Baltimore next month for two weeks of intense physical therapy.

Despite everything, Eden's mom said her spirit and attitude remain positive. She says doctors and physical therapists say "if anyone can recover from this, it's Eden."

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