Crush New Year's Fitness Resolutions: Apple Watch 3 Or Fitbit Ionic?

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Almost half of the people who start the new year with fitness goals will not meet them. So, what are some of the reasons people fall off? Lack of motivation, Finances, Unrealistic expectations and Time are just a few. Fitness and Health expert Lisa Tanker, MBA/MHA joined Megan to show our viewers how to use technology to stay motivated and crush our goals.

The Fitbit Ionic is health and fitness focused right out of the box:

Apple Watch 3 is great if you're already in the iOS ecosystem, and this is also true of Android smartwatches, because it is so tightly integrated with the apps and services you're already using on your phone.

If your budget is tight and you already have a smartphone. Use apps on your phone and use what you have! You can use apps like Apple Health or Samsung's S Health app which already come with the phone. Most Android phones have fitness apps which will count steps directly from the phone.

To follow Lisa's fitness tips, you can connect with her on Instagram at