Teen spreads kindness through headwear business

Jayce McGuirk is only 13, but he already wears a lot of hats - both literally and figuratively speaking.

He's the CEO, designer, production manager, packer, and shipper of a company he and his family run from their Gilbert home - called Random Hats of Kindness.

"We wear hats every single day, and we really want to spread kindness so we thought what better way to put kind messages on hats?" Jayce said.

He and his brother, Lincoln come up with the concepts, designs, and slogans.

"We buy a whole bunch of blank hats, and then we send the artwork off to like a manufacturer, and he stitches them on," Jayce explained.

Their stepfather, Matt Miera coordinates with different manufacturers and handles the financial transactions.

"It's not really about money for me. It's about them experiencing and learning things they don't learn in school," Miera said.

During their first year in business, they sold about 250 hats. They cost around 20 bucks each.

The boys sell their hats online and set up shops at events.

In addition to spreading kindness, the young entrepreneurs put their money where their heart is.

"10 percent of all the profits we get goes to an anti-bullying campaign. Right now, we're partnering up with nobully.org, and we're trying to do something really cool with them," Jayce said.