Houston teen gets accepted to 20 universities with full ride scholarships

Michael Brown's belief in hard work and not being afraid to dream big is paying off - big time.

In December, the Lamar High School senior got his first college acceptance letter to Stanford University. The moment was shared with friends and caught on video.

"It is easily the best moment of my life to date," said Michael remembering the moment in the video that is going viral on YouTube.

Since then, Michael's list of options after high school has grown.

"There's Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn," said Michael, naming a few.

Michael's gotten accepted to 20 of the best universities in the country and has full ride scholarships to all of them. He also has more than $250,000 worth in other scholarships.

Despite the major accomplishment and an impressive 4.68 GPA, Michael remains calm and modest.

"I think the bigger picture is that it matters because other kids can do it, too. Other kids can be successful, Other kids can achieve regardless of [their] backgrounds," he added.

During a press conference at his school, Michael also spoke about the importance of paying it forward.

He grew up in the city's Third Ward and says his success is a testament to the support he's gotten through his life -- from his mother to many mentors.

One of the mentoring programs Michael has been a part of is the World Youth Foundation's Youth Innovative Incubator Program (YIIP).

"He leaves a legacy at the World Youth Foundation and the YIIP program that tells the rest of our kids you can do it against all odds," said Raynese Edwards, Executive Director of YIIP.

YIIP meets at the Judson Robinson, Jr. Community Center. Michael's been a part of the mentoring program for the past four years and he's traveled with the group multiple times to Washington D.C. to meet with national leaders. Edwards says the program reflects her own philosophy of giving back.

"The importance of giving back is so that each one, reach one. Each one, reach back and grab another one and pull them up with you and that is what we teach our kids," Edwards explained.

After college, Michael plans to go to law school. One day, he says, he hopes to make it to the U.S. Supreme Court bench or have a seat in Capitol Hill.

For now, Michael says he's narrowed down his college options to seven.

"Those remaining 7 including Northwestern, Stanford, Georgetown, UPenn, Yale, Princeton, and Harvard," he said.

He has until May 1 to decide.