New Jersey mall evacuated on Black Friday after shooting, officials say

Black Friday shoppers were evacuated from a New Jersey mall Friday night after a person was shot, officials say.

A male victim was shot in the wrist between the hallway of two stores inside The Mills at Jersey Gardens in Elizabeth at around 8 p.m., according to Kelly Martins, a city spokesperson.

"Police and emergency medical personnel have responded to 2 medical calls at the Jersey Gardens Mall," the Elizabeth Police Department posted on its Facebook page. "Police are continuing to investigate the nature of these incidents."

Martins says authorities do not have a suspect into custody and the victim is not cooperating to help identify the person who shot him.

Police are reviewing surveillance video from the mall.

The mall has been open since 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and about 25,000 shoppers have visited throughout that time, Martins says.