Meeting held at Strath Haven High School after racially-charged social media posts

Parents in the Wallingford Swarthmore School District piled into a standing room only community meeting to discuss the investigation into two racially-charged social media posts that went viral last month.

READ MORE: Strath Haven High students protest after offensive photos and threatening note appear online

One picture FOX 29 blurred shows two girls wearing white hoods. The other is a threatening letter sent to a handful of Swarthmore residents. In part it reads, "leave or we will Execute u and your kidos."

The two posts sparked a student walkout nd have since been linked to four Strath Haven students.

Nearly 600 poured poured into a meeting, including members of the NAACP, local police and school administrators.

The school district wouldn't permit cameras inside only the school district allowed to record the meeting.

"We experienced bullying in our last school district that was race based and I was hoping in a new school when I moved to this area we wouldn't have that. So it makes me sad we're experiencing that again," parent Regina Raiford Babock said.

The school district is telling parents there's not much they can do since the incidents happened outside of school. Sources told us the girls who have been receiving online threats since the incident and have not been back to school.
