Officials: 16 cases of mumps confirmed at Temple University

Sixteen people tied to Temple University have tested positive for mumps, health officials confirmed Wednesday.

Philadelphia's health department expects the total number of cases to remain at 16.

The highly infectious disease is passed through saliva and respiratory secretions. While the incubation period is 12 to 25 days, symptoms often appear 16 to 18 days after exposure.

Symptoms for the mumps are similar to those for the flu, including tender swollen glands below the ear and along the jawline, headache, fever and cold-like symptoms.

People with mumps are considered infectious from two days before swelling begins through five days after the start of swelling.

Health officials say that if patients come in with what looks like mumps, they are treating them for mumps immediately, rather than going through testing while putting others at risk.

Any additional students who experience symptoms or have questions should contact