Over 2,200 show up to Temple University's free mumps vaccine clinic
Pennsylvania Health Department reports that a free clinic set up at Temple University to combat the school's recent mumps outbreak administered over 2,200 MMR booster shots to students, faculty and staff on Wednesday.
"It's exactly what we wanted," said Temple spokesperson Ray Betzner. "We had students waiting here at 8:30 this morning, it was fantastic."
Temple says even after the flood of students they still have 1,800 doses of the vaccine available with more on the way.
"We want to vaccinate as many people as we can," said Betzner.
Since the virus has a two week incubation period, officials still expect there to be another wave of mumps even after the vaccination clinics.
Temple will host another free clinic Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Great Court at Mitten Hall on 1913 North Broad Street.