Social media accounts shames illegal parkers in Philly

If you park illegally in the city of Philadelphia chances are the Parking Authority will be close behind writing you a ticket. And now if the PPA doesn't get you, someone with a smartphone camera will.

Here are new weapons, Twitter and Instagram accounts called NotASpotPhila, which are outing illegal parkers all over the city.

"I'd be very upset if someone reported me and outed me. I get enough tickets anyway," said Jessica Schneider of South Philly

The account is run by a South Philly photographer fed up with lack of access for those in wheelchairs and strollers. The user submissions target those who park in front of curb cuts and crosswalks. From an SUV blocking the sidewalk in North Philly to another corner blocked in South Philly.

"I'm from South Philly and I don't know anyone who would do that"

South Philly native Maryann Didelis knows all to well the challenges of navigating sidewalks but snitching?

"It's an invasion of privacy and I think they would not like it done to them," she said.

The Modica family lives in East Passyunk where parking is a premium to say the least.

he says fearing a parking ticket is bad enough.. now this??

"There is too much outing going on in the world. And we need to be a little less politically correct." Chris Modica explained.

Is it working? hard to say but some think anything to help the parking problem in the city is better than nothing.

"I find if funny but maybe it might make people aware of how the situation is down here and how they should focus on where to park and not to park," said Adam Montijo of Northeast Philly.
