Students make 'Philly Slang' guidebook for new teachers

Khalid Abogourin and Horace Ryans III are part of the trio of students who created the new 'First Year Teacher Handbook' for Philadelphia Public Schools.

The students compiled a list of tips and advice taken from all generations, but mostly young people, that they hope will forge a better bond between teachers and students.

"A whole bunch of brainstorming and time went into it honestly," said Abogourin, a senior at Philadelphia Virtual Academy.

"We can't expect a teacher to come into a Philly classroom and know what they're talking about, the vocabulary and the environment they're about to be thrown into in their first year," adds Ryans who is a junior at the Academy.

We asked science leadership academy teachers John Kamal and Abigail Shagin.

"It reminded me of the version of this back in. The 60's that friends and I shared and every generation has their own new slang," said Kamal.

The teachers seem to really appreciate the handbook - especially those in starting their first year teaching in the city.

"As a new teacher I think it is a vital piece of information and fun engaging reading before you get ready to welcome kids on the first day," said Shagin.