WATCH: Man Finds Giant Python Coiled Under Car Hood
Republic of Zimbabwe (FOX NEWS INSIDER) - "You're joking!"
Those were the words of a Zimbabwe man as he opened his car hood to find a giant African rock python coiled underneath.
The video of this family confronting the deadly snake has now gone viral, with Karoi farmer Ben Mostert seen gingerly grabbing the reptile around the neck before throwing it into the grass.
"It's a rattlesnake! It's a rattlesnake! It's a massive snake!" his 5-year-old son Patrick shouts.
"Daddy, don't put that thing in the car!"
Ironically, this isn't Mostert's first surprise with the snake. The farmer told CNN that the pesky python is often spotted around his house - and has even been blamed for the disappearance of several lambs.
Since moving in, the family's cat has also gone missing, he said.
Mostert has captured the snake once before, after finding it inside his family's chicken house. He said he hoped it was gone for good after taking it to a river and setting it free there.