Delaware Gov. Matt Meyer, Lt. Gov. Kyle Evans Gay sworn into office at state HBCU

The new Governor and Lt. Governor of Delaware were sworn into office on Tuesday morning at Delaware State University, one of America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

The inauguration ceremony was held indoors at the HBCU due to the freezing temperatures.

What we know:

Governor Matt Meyer took the oath of office Tuesday with his wife and three sons by his side, and his hand on the bible his parents used when they were married.

Within minutes of the inauguration ceremony finishing, Governor Meyer signed his administration’s first executive order for youth apprenticeship.

"It’s a commitment to increase youth apprenticeships and earn and learn opportunities to both improve our education system and job opportunities across our beautiful state," said Governor Meyer.

A few protesters tried to interrupt the program when Meyer was on stage but were quickly escorted away by police. When asked about the incident, Meyer a former public school math teacher said, "I was a sixth and seventh grade math teacher, that’s par for the course."

Meyer most recently served as the New Castle County Executive from 2017-2025. 

Lieutenant Governor Kyle Evans Gay was sworn-in standing with her husband and two daughters. 

She used the State Bible to take her oath of office, and explained to FOX 29 it was gifted to Delaware in the 1700s by the people of France and previously used by former governors for their oath of office.

After the ceremony, guests were welcomed to join the community photo line to commemorate this moment in Delaware History with a picture standing next to their new state leadership.

What they're saying:

Meyer recognized many individuals in the room including family, his predecessors in attendance who also served the First State as governor, and he also shared words of admiration for the now former president.

"He has set a standard of service to which all of us should aspire, I’m speaking of course of President Joe Biden," said Governor Meyer. 

Meyer also addressed how he will govern under the Trump administration. 

"I will work with anyone of any party who’s ready to advance the best interest of the people of Delaware," said Governor Meyer. "If the president or his administration or anyone try to take aware your healthcare coverage, or further restrict your reproductive rights, or undermine our schools or try to come into our communities to harass folks who came to our country and our state in search of a better life. If they do these things, I will use every power you vested in me as governor to protect our residents to protect our livelihoods to protect our values that is my pledge to you."

"We are putting the needs of Delawareans first, but of course there are lines and we will not stand for discrimination, we will not stand for rights being taken away," said Lt. Governor Gay. "We have prided ourselves, and I have prided myself as a State Senator previously, in ensuring I protect fundamental rights. That work will continue as Lt. Governor."

"He’s really good with policy. He’s got a big picture, strategic approach to everything and I think we need that," said Sharon Borton, Co-Chair of the Progressive Dems of Sussex County.

The Source: The information in this story is from the Delaware governor's inauguration ceremony and state website.

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