Dog gets over 100 adoption offers after terminally ill owner turns to Facebook

A dog whose owner is terminally ill with liver cancer was inundated with adoption offers after his owner, Walter Hollier, took to Facebook to find him a new forever home.

On January 25, Hollier shared a post about his dog Diego, writing that he was eight years old and "loves to run, play, swim, and ride in cars or trucks." In the post Hollier explained that he was suffering from stage four liver cancer, and had been given a three to six month diagnosis. He wrote that it "would bring me great comfort when I die that he is well taken care of."

The initial post had over 75,000 shares and in a follow-up post on January 26, Hollier thanked everyone for their support and wrote that he had received over 1,300 responses and over 100 adoption requests for Diego.