Father of baby born with missing parts of skull and brain writes emotional Facebook message

The father of a baby whose story went viral this month is speaking out after he and his wife received multiple comments that they should have aborted their baby.

Little Jaxon Buell's story has recently gained a lot of attention.

He was born with Microhydranencephaly, which is an extreme brain malformation that results in some of the brain and skull being missing.

Proof that Jax sat for almost 2 min all by himself! #JaxonStrong Brittany Buell

The baby's family launched a GoFundMe campaign to fund his continued medical care. In 12 months it has raised $66,078 of its $70,000 goal.

However, not all of the attention given to the family has been positive.

Jaxon's father, Brandon Buell, recently took to Facebook to pen an emotional message after he allegedly received comments that he and wife Brittany should have elected to abort Jaxon.

Overdue and honest words from Jaxon's Daddy… As I write this, my son is sleeping in the other room, comfortably,...

"It's baffling to hear or see other people's opinions on our baby that have never met him, that somehow know how he thinks, how he acts, how he feels, how much of what he does is voluntary or involuntary, how he is always in pain, and that we are selfish parents for not choosing to have an abortion, and for having a Facebook and a Go Fund Me page for him," Buell wrote.

He also addressed claims that he and his wife's Christian faith affected their decision.

"We are Christians, and our faith has certainly been vital during this entire journey for our family, but we're still realists. Had there been any suffering in the womb or a danger involved other than Jaxon possibly not being able to live outside the womb because of the concern for his head and brain, then we certainly would have had a different discussion. However, that wasn't the case, and it was our choice, and only our choice," Buell said.