Firefighters help 78-year-old woman with lawn chores
CONCORD, N.C. - An act of kindness performed by firefighters in Concord, North Carolina is going viral.
When the firefighters found an elderly resident struggling to manage her yard work, they stepped in to help. A series of photos shows the firefighters mowing the lawn and trimming bushes for 78-year-old Pat Lee.

Credit: City of Concord Fire Department
“What do you do when you are doing hydrant maintenance and find an elderly citizen struggling to mow? You do the ethical thing, put hydrants on hold for an hour, mow, trim bushes, and chat with her for a few minutes about the joys in life,” fire officials tweeted.
“What would have taken me all day they did in nothing flat to me,” Lee told FOX 46. “They even trimmed the edges. Now come on who does that!”
Lee was so moved that she also cried from happiness. "They made my year! Not my day, my entire year," she said.

Credit: City of Concord Fire Department