Girl gets boyfriend advice from little brother in hilarious Instagram video

Many of us have encounter over-protective siblings, but this good boyfriend advice came from an unlikely source.

In a video posted to Instagram, this boy is giving some tough love to his little sister. He doesn't approve of her having a boyfriend.

He tells her that she has to work on her "shapes, handwriting, Z's and S's." before she worries about "some boyfriend."

He goes on to yell, "I know you have a boyfriend cause every single recess, I see you holding his hand."

"This is the time to tell your truth," he says with a sassy attitude.

The little girl defends herself telling her brother who she sat with and who she didn't sit with at recess.

Their mom posted this video on Instagram. Some people dove into the fine details of the video and complained that the kids were not wearing seatbelts while the video was being recorded.