Labor lawyer, prosecutor win spots on fall court ballot

HARRISBURG, Pa. - A steelworkers' union lawyer and a county prosecutor have been nominated to run for open seats on a statewide appellate court.
Democrat Amanda Green-Hawkins, a Pittsburgh lawyer, and Republican Megan King, a Chester County prosecutor, won spots on the fall ballot in Tuesday's primary election for the state Superior Court.
Races for the last two spots remained too close to call Tuesday night. The 15-seat court handles civil and criminal appeals from Pennsylvania's county courts.
Also running in the Democratic primary were Philadelphia Judge Daniel McCaffery and civil litigation lawyer Beth Tarasi, of suburban Pittsburgh. Running in the Republican primary were Cumberland County Judge Christylee Peck and Rebecca Warren, a former Montour County district attorney.
The Democratic Party had endorsed McCaffery and Green-Hawkins while the GOP had endorsed Peck and King.