Mom furious over 'privilege' survey teacher gave 7th-grader

TAMPA.FL (FOXNEWSINSIDER)- A Florida mother is outraged after her 12-year-old daughter came home with an assignment she was given in her seventh grade Spanish class.

Regina Stiles posted on her Facebook page a form that asked students "How much privilege do you have?"

It instructed students to circle the boxes that apply to them in the categories of race, skin color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation and disability.

The options under gender included, "cisgendered," "transgendered" or "genderqueer."

Stiles told WTSP that her daughter didn't even know many of those terms.

"I try to maintain my children's innocence as long as possible," Stiles said. "And that is not something she should be taught at school."

If your child came home and told you that their teacher gave them this to fill out, what would you do?

She added that her daughter's sexual orientation has nothing to do with schoolwork, let alone Spanish class.

"You're here to teach my child a foreign language, not anything else," Stiles said.

After Stiles and several other parents questioned the principal, the school district launched an investigation.

Hillsborough County School Spokesperson Tanya Arja said that the form was teacher-generated and was distributed to students without consent from the principal or district.

The unnamed teacher, who is in her first year of teaching in the district, has since been pulled from the classroom while the issue is investigated.

Read more about this outrageous story, here.