Officials vow to make million dollar repairs to sinking waterfront in Burlington, NJ

A South Jersey city is literally sinking. A crumbling seawall is forcing officials in Burlington, New Jersey, to make some tough choices.

It's a picture-perfect view along the Burlington Promenade on a crisp winter's day until you zoom in a little bit. n the other side of the emergency fencing, the sidewalk is buckling. City officials tell FOX 29 that water is penetrating the corroded 50-year-old seawall. It's a serious discovery made only a couple of months ago.

City business administrator David Ballard shared images with FOX 29 from an underwater inspection report. Experts identified more than 100 holes in the metal bulkhead. Immediate concerns meant immediate fencing to keep people out.

Emergency repairs will begin as soon as possible with an unattractive price tag close to a million dollars.

"We're optimistic we'll find the money. Gonna make these repairs and gonna ring the promenade back to its former glory," City business administrator David Ballard said.