Police search for trio of bank robbery suspects

WEST DEPTFORD, NJ (WTXF) Police say a trio of suspects walked into a New Jersey bank in broad daylight and got away with an undetermined amount of cash right out of the vault.

According to police, when the trio of bank robbers entered the BB&T Bank Wednesday morning, one male suspect wore a dress, another carried a pocketbook and the female suspect carried a big silver revolver. You might call them Bonnie and Clyde plus one.

The suspects were caught on surveillance cameras as they allegedly invaded the bank at Kings Highway and Parkville Road just before 11 a.m. Police say one suspect jumped the counter. They forced the bank employees into a backroom where the vault was open, according to investigators. Police say they made off with an undisclosed amount of cash.

According to police, the gun-toting female wore a dark face covering and carried a yellow bag. The male suspect carrying the handbag was also carrying a gun, police say, the third suspect in the black dress was armed as well.

As the suspects fled the bank cameras near the outside ATM captured video of them as they jumped into a champagne colored 2006 Chevrolet Equinox SUV and sped away down Kings Highway just off I-295.

The bank robbery caught the attention of shoppers and customers at this busy intersection. Most were concerned for the bank employees and were glad no one got hurt.