Swimmer Rushed to Hospital After Catfish Impales Itself in Her Belly

(INSIDE EDITION)- That had to hurt.

A catfish embedded itself into the abdomen of a female swimmer, who was rushed to the hospital so surgeons could remove the spiky fins impaled in her flesh.

A paramedic posted photos of the gross-looking spines and wrote, "We were alerted to an incident where an object had penetrated a swimmer's stomach and when we got there, discovered it was a fish," The Independent of Britain reported.

Ocorrência pouco comum!!! Banhistas e atingida por peixe na hora que se banhava....SAMU ITANHAÉM....

The woman was swimming in the waters off a Sao Paulo resort.

"She was in a lot of pain. We didn't remove the spine because only a doctor can do this. We took her to hospital so she could have microsurgery," wrote ambulance worker Marcelo Araujo Tamada, the paper said.

"Generally, we deal with people who have stood on a fish or cut a finger touching one, but I've never seen a catfish stuck to someone's stomach," he said. "It was definitely a first."

Catfish stings can be quite painful. The spiky fins become rigid once they penetrate skin and must be carefully removed to avoid infection.

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