Who is Punxsutawney Phil?

PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA - FEBRUARY 2: Bill Deeley presents Punxsutawney Phil to the crowd at Gobbler's Knob during the annual Groundhog day event February 2, 2003 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Phil, having seen his shadow, predicted six more weeks of winte
PHILADELPHIA - What do you think of when you hear Punxsutawney Phil? Many will say Groundhog Day, but what are the origins of Punxsutawney Phil?
Find out all about the ‘national treasure’ below.
The backstory:
Punxsutawney Phil has been a member of the Groundhog Club since 1886.
He goes by many names including: Br’er Groundhog, Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, Weather Predictor Extraordinaire, National Treasure.
Way back when, during Candlemas Day, on February 2, Christians would take their candles to the church to have them blessed in order to bring blessings to their household for the remaining winter.
However, once the traditional belief was introduced to Germany, an animal was introduced into the tradition.
German lore believed if a hedgehog saw his shadow on Candlemas Day there would be a "Second Winter" or six more weeks of bad weather.
Once Germans began to settle in the United States, they also brought their traditions.
Though the country had a lack of hedgehogs, a similar hibernating animal was chosen.
Cue the groundhog named Punxsutawney.
What we know:
Punxsutawney Phil is responsible for coming out of his hole after a long winter's sleep to look for his shadow.
If he sees his shadow, that means six more weeks of bad weather.
If the day is cloudy and shadowless, Phil declares it as a sign of spring.
According to PBS, groundhogs kept in captivity usually have a life span of 14 years.
Luckily, Phil is 139 years old and gets his longevity by drinking a secret and magical, life-giving brew that only he can drink.
Punxsutawney Phil is married to a groundhog named Phyllis.
In 2024, The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club announced that Phyllis had given birth to two healthy babies, Sunny and Shadow.
Fun facts
- Phil appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show in 1995.
- In 1981 Phil wore a yellow ribbon in honor of the American hostages in Iran.
- Phil traveled to Washington DC in 1986 to meet with President Reagan. He was joined by Groundhog Club President Jim Means, Al Anthony and Bill Null.
- Phil met Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburg in 1987.
What's next:
Tune in for FOX 29’s live coverage to find out what Phil has to say about the end of winter.
The Source: The information in this story is from Groundhog.org and PBS.