Father Allegedly Drowned 3-Month-Old Baby in Pond as Onlookers Screamed
(INSIDE EDITION) A father drowned his 3-month-old son in a pond as frantic family members screamed and witnesses tried to grab the baby away, authorities said.
Sean Flowers Jr., 25, had argued with the child's mother at a family reunion in Milwaukee Saturday night before grabbing the baby and walking into a pond filled with untreated storm water, police said.
He lowered his arms and submerged the infant while facing horrified family members, witnesses said.
"Without thinking, I just ran into the water. I yelled at him, 'Where's the baby? Where's the baby? And then I saw a baby floating in the water,''' onlooker Joey Griffin told WITI-TV.
"I grabbed it. I tried to swim away with it. He lunged at me and took the baby again and swam further, deeper," Griffin said. "We all lost. We all lost this one."
Milwaukee police arrived and several officers jumped into the water, trying to reach the baby. One officer grabbed the unconscious infant and hurried to shore, where first-responders performed CPR.
But they were unable to save the child.
"I just can't imagine what was in that man's head," said Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn. "I just can't imagine. I'll never be able to figure that out. It's just wretched."
Flowers is being held at the Milwaukee County Jail in lieu of $150,000 bail. Charges are pending, according to online records.
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Roger Amstadt said he called 911 after he heard a woman scream, "Give me back my baby!" he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
A crowd followed, he said. "It was a hornet's nest of people moving around … crying and screaming. Amstadt watched the chaos from his second-floor apartment window, he said.
"That baby cried all the way out into the water. Then the crying stopped."