Little girl donates allowance for canine bullet proof vests after police dog death

The story of Canton Police Department K9 officer Jethro's shooting death in January prompted a wealth of goodwill toward Jethro's partner, Officer Ryan Davis.

Follow-up: From what I understand, the little girl (Allison) who wrote the letter to Officer Ryan Davis was identified...

Among the correspondence was a letter that sparked a social media search for the author, a young girl named Allison. "I'm sorry about Jethro," the short letter reads, "so here is my allowance for the bullet proof vests."

As the letter had been removed from its original envelope, Allison's contact details were nowhere to be seen.

Jethro's death is reported to have sparked a debate over the use of bullet-proof vests for K9 officers.

Davis shared the story of the letter on Facebook, as did Canton PD.

The story was also shared by Facebook pages such as Ohio Going Blue and nearby Massillon PD, and Allison was able to be tracked down.

"Through the power of social media, she should be talking to Officer Ryan Davis soon enough," wrote Massillon PD in a March 13 post.