NY terror attack sparks changes in Philadelphia

It's a picture that will bring back bad memories for a long time. A mangled Home Depot rental truck police say was used to mow down eight innocent people in the most deadly terrorist attack in New York City since 9/11.

"These guys are being radicalized in many cases online. You don't know who you're dealing with, what has prompted it," Commissioner Richard Ross told FOX 29 .

Investigators say Sayfullo Saipov rented the truck at a New Jersey. Home Depot and drove straight to New York city to inflict carnage on a popular Manhattan bike path. Now, Philadelphia police say they'll be visiting truck rental firms and home improvement stores that rent trucks looking for cooperation in the hopes of preventing a future attack.

"It's no reflection on them and what they do, but if you find people are using vehicles like that to create havoc, terrorist type acts than we have to be prepared and let people know they need to be aware," Commissioner Ross added.

The commissioner and the NYPD say it's no secret ISIS has been promoting the use of trucks in terror attacks. Authorities say Saipov followed the ISIS formula for a truck attack to the letter.

"We're not trying to dictate who gets to rent a truck," Ross explained."Just let us know someone came a rented a vehicle and we're just not sure, there was something about the individual they were acting suspiciously."

Sources say SEPTA is also considering possible security changes near Center City bus stops, possibly installing bollards to prevent a vehicle attack at a crowded stop.

Commissioner Ross says police are simply looking to open up a dialogue with truck rental companies not take away anyone's rights. He says stopping terror attacks is all about good intelligence information.