Police: Man faces assault charges for allegedly attacking officers with a knife

Sharon Hill, Pa. (WTXF) Authorities say a Sharon Hill man is facing assault charges after he allegedly attacked police officers with a knife during their response to a disturbance call at his residence on Tuesday, February 23.

According to authorities, Saveon Garrison, 22, of Sharon Hill, is charged with four counts of aggravated assault, a felony of the first degree, possessing instruments of a crime, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person. Garrison is currently in custody at the Penn Presbyterian Medical Center.

Authorities say officers from the Sharon Hill Police Department responded to Barker Avenue for the report of a disoriented subject around 7:20 p.m.. While in route, Officer Mummo informed the county radio that he recently had contact with Saveon Garrison who lives at the residence and that Garrison suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and has a history of violent tendencies and is also known to carry a knife.

Upon arrival, officers were met at the front door by Garrison's mother, Sonia Benzz, who told officers that her son called 911 but she did not know why, according to authorities.

Police say Saveon came to the front door and was angry that the police where at the residence, police say, he began to yell and speak incoherently as the officers pleaded with him to let them in the house to help. As Garrison became more agitated, he slammed the door shut and could be heard continuing to yell at his mother, according to police.

Shortly after the officers arrived, Delaware County Criminal Investigations Divisions Detective Michael Jay and Collingdale Police Officer Daniel Scanlan arrived at the residence to assist the officers.

Authorities say officers heard Sonia screaming for help and forced open the front door. According to investigators, Garrison came charging from the kitchen area.

Police say Officer Mummo observed that Garrison was holding a knife in his right hand as he continued charging toward the officers. Officer Mummo fired one cartridge from his Taser that hit Garrison in the chest area. However, Garrison was not affected and raised the knife above his head and swung it in the direction of an officer, according to police. Investigator say the officer attempted to protect himself by lowering his head and using his arm to try and deflect the knife; however, as Garrison swung the knife downward it stabbed MacNeal on the left side of his face causing blood to gush from his face, according to police.

Police say after allegedly slashing Officer MacNeal's face, while still holding the knife in an aggressive manner, Garrison turned towards Delaware County Detective Jay who was standing just several feet away, authorities say, Detective Jay discharged one shot from his service weapon striking Garrison in the right side of his chest. Garrison went to the ground where he allegedly continued to resist the officers' attempts to restrain him, according to investigators.

Authorities say Detective Jay stated that he fired his service weapon because he was in fear for himself and the other persons in the residence were in serious physical danger.

His mother, Sonia, told police and FOX 29 that her son called the 911 because of confusion over dinner. She also told police that her son's mental health issues intensified around three years ago and that he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia; however, was not taking medication.