Running police officer's act of kindness goes viral

On July 1, Kent Green, a police officer in Mesa, Arizona, began receiving messages from people who said they had seen his photo on Facebook. Not knowing what they were talking about, he didn't know if he should be concerned. Then he learned that a local citizen had caught him in an act of kindness.

Green had been driving by a dumpster and saw a man inside, who was collecting cans and bottles. Green stopped to ask him to get out, out of concern for his safety.

"We've had some deaths from people either falling asleep or camping out in a dumpster, or behind, and then the garbage vehicle comes out and it can end really badly," Green told Runner's World by phone.

As Green turned to leave, he noticed that the man might benefit from a new pair of shoes, so he asked him if he'd like to try a pair on. Green grabbed one of the many pairs of running shoes he carries in the back of his patrol car, and the man gladly took them. Unbeknownst to both parties, they had an audience.

Green didn't think twice about it, but by the following day, local resident Jenny Crider's post about his act had gone viral. The Mesa Police department shared the post and explained that Green is a competitive runner.