Surveillance video shows 60-year-old woman viciously mauled by two pit bulls

PIERCE COUNTY, WA (WTXF) -- A disturbing surveillance video shows the horrifying moment that two dogs viciously attack a woman in her 60s.

Fortunately the woman was released from a hospital in Tacoma on Sunday, but she still has a long way to go on the road to recovery.

Puyallup tribal police shared the surveillance video with Q13 FOX News, hoping that someone could identify the blue nose pit bulls and find their owners. According to Q13, the dogs appear like they have been trained to fight.

The victim, Donna Berto, is bruised and bandaged all over her body. Her son is grateful that her injuries weren't more serious.

"An inch one way, her eye would be gone. An inch another way, her throat would be gone," said Michael Stath to Q13.

On Friday afternoon, Berto went into North Point Smokeshop to purchase a soda. In the surveillance video, her friend is seen walking into the store, however Berto stops in the parking lot, seeing two dogs approaching.

"My first thought was they looked like nice dogs. They don't look vicious, you know," she said to Q13.

But just a moment later, one of the dogs jumps on Berto and she falls to the ground.

"One was going for my head, the other was going for my feet," she said. "They were dragging me around, trying to get to my face. I was trying to protect it."

According to the smoke shop owner, his employees tried to assist Berto. He says they shouted and screamed, and then fired a gunshot in the air to startle the dogs and scare them away.

"I'm so proud to see how they all sprang into action," said William Manzaneres to Q13.

But now he wants to get to the bottom of the mystery of where the dogs came from.

"These dogs were obviously trained to be mean, these weren't your average nice dogs," he said.

Berto's family feels the same way.

"The dogs themselves, I don't think it's their fault. I think it's the fault of the owner," said Stath to Q13. "I want to get the dogs found, they need to be either euthanized or caged so they can't hurt anybody else."

"I'd certainly like to see who's responsible for these dogs, at least get an apology from them," said Donna.