Temple University Student Searches for Missing Blanket

PHILADELPHIA-(WTXF)-An 18-year-old Brookhaven girl has taken to social media for help finding something very dear to her heart.

"Every night I sleep with it. Every night. So it's been a rough couple of nights without it," says 18-year old Brooke McGlade who can't keep her mind off of something very dear to heart that she lost last Thursday. She says she left it on a Septa train when she left her dorm at Temple to go home to Brookhaven for the weekend.

"I was shocked at first. I immediately started crying in the car to my sister then I called my mom right away and told her. My mom was like which bag was it my expensive laptop? And I was like no it's worse. It's my poo blanket," said Brooke.

You heard her right. Brooke lost her Winnie the Pooh blanket. But's it's not just any old blanket.

"The blanket was actually my comforter when I was a new born baby. That's what I slept with when I came home from the hospital and I have been obsessed with it. It has been by my side all the years since so it's very close to me and I really haven't gone this long without it ever," she said.

Brooke says it was stuffed inside a pink and white Marshalls reusable bag along with some laundry, a makeup bag and phone charger. She says she placed it in the overhead bin where she was sitting on the train. She got off at the Wallingford stop on the Media Elwyn line and forgot it.

"Someone said it's not embarrassing. It's cute. I hope you get it back," reads Brooke from comments on her Facebook page where she took to social media for help finding it.

"It's definitely worn down. It's white-ish. It used to be white, giant hole in the center, stuffing ripped out and tons of stains. It also has a faded image of Winnie the Pooh on it."

It may not look like much but Brooke says it's sentimental to her.

"It all means so much to me and I just want it," she said.

SEPTA said it had not been turned into its lost and found.

If you can help Brooke, let us know by going to the FOX 29 Facebook Page.