TMZ : Patty Duke dies at 69

LOS ANGELES, CA - TMZ is reporting sad news about actress Patty Duke.

Hollywood legend Patty Duke , who won an Oscar for playing Helen Keller in "The Miracle Worker", has died at 69.

According to TMZ, Duke passed away at 1:20 AM Tuesday morning. She died from sepsis due to a ruptured intestine.

Duke's son Sean Astin said the family is "relieved" because Duke was in a lot of pain and the process took a long time to play out.

Duke's family issued a statement, saying, "This morning, our beloved wife, mother, matriarch and the exquisite artist, humanitarian, and champion for mental health, Anna Patty Duke Pearce, closed her eyes, quieted her pain and ascended to a beautiful place."

"We celebrate the infinite love and compassion she shared through her work and throughout her life."