TSA Official Tweets Photo of Passenger's Cash-Filled Luggage
(FOX NEWS) -- Did a Transportation Security Authority official invade this flyer's privacy by tweeting a photo of their cash-filled luggage?
Yesterday, TSA spokesperson Lisa Farbstein sent the tweet above, that's since gone viral, from her verified account.
The unidentified passenger was traveling from the Richmond International Airport with about $75,000 inside the luggage.
Unless traveling internationally, passengers are not obliged to report large amounts of cash.
Farbstein told The Washington Post that "the carry-on bag of the passenger alarmed because of the large unknown bulk in his carry-on bag. When TSA officers opened the bag to determine what had caused the alarm, the money was sitting inside. Quite unusual. TSA alerted the airport police, who were investigating."
She did not respond to questions about whether posting the photo to social media violated the passenger's privacy rights.
On "Your World," attorney Lisa Giovinazzo said the incident is strange, but passengers can't expect to have privacy while traveling.
"There's no expectation of privacy, we all go through the same security and we know that everything will be scanned," she stated.
Watch the video clip above.