WATCH: Mystery moment at child's wake

It's been 40 days baby since ng bakasyon mo with papa god, miss na miss kana ni mamy 󾌹 thank u for the hugs and kisses, for the pure sincere genuine LOVE 󾌯 i love you sobra damok mamy, alam mo yan 󾌯󾌹󾍂 #hastalavista#onelastHUG

PHILIPPINES Two video clips on Facebook show a white balloon floating towards a grieving mother at her son's wake.

Joy Ganda Vibar-Alamares was at her 7-year-old son Trebby's wake when the white balloon floated from her son's coffin towards her as she was crying. The mother then embraces the white balloon. According to the Daily Mail, the family believes it was the spirit was the deceased boy.

In one clip shared a girl writes, "I would like to believe that this was his last mission, to tell the world of HIS great love."

As of this writing, the mother's video has over 4 million views.

Here's another touching footage. With God, everything is possible. What you are about to see can't be explained and only faith can. The little warrior also went up to his siblings. 󾆯󾆯󾆯I would like to believe that this was his last mission, to tell the world of HIS great love. ♥️󾍛🏻☝🏻️󾆯#TrebbyTheWarrior#TrebbyTheMessenger#TrebbyTheSweetAngel