Woman upset after car stuck in wet cement

A woman claims she unknowingly parked her car in wet cement because she did not see any indication the area was under construction, but DeKalb County disputes her claim.

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Eleysia Morris claims there was no signage or flags indicating the concrete was wet when she parked her car Tuesday in front of her dad's house in DeKalb County.

Taylor told FOX 5 she contacted DeKalb County, they told her she would be liable for the damages and not them.

DeKalb County sent FOX 5 a statement Wednesday, disputing Taylor's claim:

The county claims that Taylor disregarded an installed and permitted traffic signal system, traffic barricades, and flaggers.

Taylor told FOX 5 she is upset because the car was a brand new graduation gift.

DeKalb County officials say that they are working to "remove the concrete and extricate the car" so it can be towed.