Aid groups react to President Trump's immigration ban

There's local fallout from President Trump's executive order banning refugees from Syria and other countries. Aid groups were preparing to accept refugee families set to arrive in Philadelphia this week but that all came to a grinding halt.

But that's on hold now at Main Line Reform Temple in Wynnewood where a collection of donated home goods for refugees sits with no where to go.

"We have essentially stopped taking donations because there are no refugees coming because of the 120 day ban on anyone coming in, " Jill Stein, Main Line Reform Synagogue volunteer told FOX 29.

Volunteers at the temple had been working with HIAS PA, the Hebrew immigrant aid society, but their efforts to help refugee families were interrupted by President Trump's executive order last week.

"We did have people scheduled for arrival next week and that was canceled and so we don't know what happens to them," Rona Buchalter explained.

HIAS sent representatives to the airport last week to try to help as people from countries on the banned list were stopped at immigration entry points.

In Northeast Philly, one Syrian refugee family feels fortunate they made it here..but Osama herto was hoping his sister and mother who are living in Lebanon could have joined them.

"Once we get to 120 days we don't know what the additional steps people will have to go through we just don't know," said Rona.

For now, the refugee families who are here say they are grateful for the help they have received from agencies and volunteers. They hope that those they've left behind will one day be able to join them here.