Dog-Lover Killed By Rottweiler Hours After Adopting it From the Pound

A Tennessee man was mauled to death last week by a dog he'd adopted just hours earlier, police say.

Anthony Riggs, 57, was found dead on Thursday after sheriff's deputies arrived in response to a dog attack call around 3:30 p.m.

Riggs had adopted the 5-year-old male just five hours before, at around 10:30 a.m., the Jackson Sun reports.

He took the dog to show his son, Thomas Riggs, after leaving the Jackson-Madison County Rabies Control.

The father and son made holiday plans.

According to reports, Jackson-Madison County Rabies Control took in the dog five days before after it was found as a stray.

Riggs was discovered dead by his wife Kathy when she came home after calling her husband and receiving no answer.

According to Riggs' ex-wife, Adrienne Riggs, Kathy Riggs and a co-worker were bitten by the dog, which was later shot dead by police.

Jackson-Madison County Rabies Control workers said the dog showed no signs of aggression, which employees are trained to look for.

According to Kim Tedford, director of the county's Regional Health Department, it was unclear if the animal was rabid. "It was a stray running at large, so we have no idea if the dog had been vaccinated or not," Tedford said.

Meanwhile, Adrienne Riggs told the Jackson Sun that she doesn't believe Rabies Control when they say the dog showed them no signs of aggression.

"A docile dog does not turn in three hours and kill somebody. Something was wrong," she said.

Calls made to Jackson-Madison County Rabies Control went unanswered.

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