Dying Single Dad Asks for Help in Securing His Son's Future

Brain cancer has left Nathan Colman with only months to live. With his five-year-old son, Asaiah, in mind, Colman has created a GoFundMe campaign called, "Asaiah's Dad is on his last legs," to make sure his son is left financially secure. He received his diagnosis in 2012.

The single father from Tasmania is seeking AU$20,000 on the GoFundMe platform to help his son start a new life with his sister and her husband in Queensland.

Along with the GoFundMe page, Colman's battle with cancer has also been documented on the Bucket List Achievements page on Facebook.

He posted on the Facebook page saying:

"Hello all. My name is Nathan Colman. I am starting this Go Fund Me account as a last resort in my battle against stage 4 brain cancer (GBM). I am a single father with a 5 year old son, who is in my care full time. He is my world. I am worried about his future and the long term impacts of my passing. He is a beautiful boy with a heart of gold. My sister and her husband have offered to look after him with their two teenage sons. This was a huge weight off my mind.

This is where the affordability comes into play. Although my sister and her husband are more-well off than me I have been struggling to make ends meet since I had the operation in December 2012. It has been a huge expense being in Tasmania but I feel that Asaiah has received the best treatment he could hope for down here. Unfortunately our time is up and it is time to make the move to live with my sister in Queensland.

I am hoping that we may be able to raise $20 000 to ensure we are able to move to Qld and make a life for my son to spend his time. It has been an effort to make it this far. I'm sure you can all help. Thank you."

Help Nathan secure a future for his son, Aisaiah, by visiting their GoFundMe page.