Fire Captain helps save baby suffering seizure in store
FRESNO, CA (WTXF)- A fire captain's quick thinking helps save a baby in Fresno, California, after the little girl started having seizures in a store.
A photo that captured the moment, easily says a thousand words.
When the baby began having seizures inside the store, her mother was in a panic and didn't know what to do.
Luckily, Fire Captain Chad Tucker was in the right place at the right time.
"As I came into the store I saw the lady in the back holding the child, unresponsive, just kind of hanging lifeless," Tucker said, "98% of me is thinking I'm going to have to do CPR, so I jog back there. 2% of me is hoping I don't have to."
Fortunately for Tucker, he didn't have to do CPR, but he immediately noticed the 7-month-old baby girl was burning up with a fever.
He asked the pharmacist for a cool, damp cloth, and he placed it on the baby, as she regained consciousness.
With the help of store employees translations, Tucker explained to the mother that her daughter would be okay.
A short time later, an ambulance arrived and took the baby to the hospital.