Golden retriever is found down 15-foot-deep sinkhole 2 days after she went missing

This lucky pup is back home with her family after she plunged down a 15-foot-deep sinkhole in Pennsylvania and remained there for two days.

Skye, a Golden Retriever, was off-leash while walking with her owner at The Arboretum at Penn State on Monday when she suddenly vanished.

"All of a sudden she was gone," owner Ron Holmes told the Centre Daily Times.

The family went to look for her the following day and found a sinkhole close to where she had disappeared. Inside, they saw gushing water but were unable to hear anything.

When they returned on Wednesday, the water had stopped - and the family heard Skye bark.

"It's the most fantastic feeling hearing her," Holmes said.

Alpha Fire Company and Penn State police came to her rescue. Footage shows her being attached to a harness and pulled out from the hole.

Firefighters said the "very nice dog" cooperated throughout the rescue, making it easier for them to get her to safety.

Assistant Chief Dennis Harris from the Alpha Fire Company told affiliate WTAJ: "When I got down the hole she came to me right away and pawed up on me and stayed right by me for the most part."

As the video shows, when Skye is brought back to the surface, she runs to her family, clearly overjoyed to be back with them.

Skye went to the veterinarian and is doing well, WTAJ reported.

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