Grade School Bans Game of 'Tag' on the Playground

MERCER ISLAND, WA- A popular childhood game has been banned in one school district in Washington.

The Mercer Island School District is banning the game of tag on the playground!

The reason? It's part of a hands-off approach to recess to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students!

Parents are not happy.

"Good grief, our kids need some unstructured playtime," said parent Kelsey Joyce, "I totally survived tag. I even survived red rover, believe it or not."

"I played tag. I survived," said Melissa Neher, "In this day and age of childhood obesity, there's a need for more activity. Kids should be free to have spontaneous play on the playground at recess. It's important for their learning."

"This decision needs to be reevaluated with input from the kids and from the community," Neher added,

Parents hope to get more information about the ban at an upcoming PTA meeting.