Hundreds of Counterfeit Exercise Wristbands Seized in Philadelphia

Did you get a fake Fitbit this Christmas?

Judging from the number of exercise wristbands confiscated by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, it seems like hundreds of people did.

Only 13 days into the New Year, and already U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have seized $35,000 worth of exercise wristbands in Philadelphia alone.

They determined that 350 smart bands were counterfeit.

CBP says the shipment arrived from Hong Kong on December 4 th , 2015 and were seize on January 4 th.

"Customs and Border Protection will continue to work closely with our trade and consumer safety partners to identify and seize counterfeit and substandard merchandise, especially those products that pose potential harm to American consumers," said Susan Stranieri, CBP Port Director for the Area Port of Philadelphia. "Intellectual property rights enforcement is a CBP priority trade issue, and a mission that we take very seriously."

More from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol.