Local business owner goes back to school after 45 years
Easton, Pa. (WTXF) - A local business owner is showing others to never give up after he went back to school after 45 years.
FOX 29 Photojournalist Bill Rohrer shares his story.
At the Genesis Bike shop in Easton owner Tomias Hinchcliff has been fixing bikes for over 40 years.
"When I was a very young kid I was finding old bikes, painting them and changing parts," he told FOX 29.
His love of bikes helped Tomias build a very successful bike shop. You see Tomias built his business without a college education.
"It took me 40 some odd years to go back to school," he told FOX 29.
He also built it without a high school diploma.
"I had a little problem with authority. I wasn't a bad kid--I was a little rebellious," he explained.
At 16 years old, Tomias dropped out and went to work--you guessed it fixing bikes. He says not having a diploma never held him back.
" I got my education from just doing it. Just having a family having a business. Just doing life," he said.
But, at 61 he decided to go back a get his G.E.D.
"I never got beyond what they call general math. It was all algebra and geometry and they were completely new things to me," he explained.
After building a career and a life with out one--Why go back?
"I don't want my grandkids to look at me and say well you didn't need to graduate high school. You done fine. I don't need to either. I want them to have options."
Finally after 45 years, Tomias got his diploma last October.
He says the whole process has taught him to focus and never give up. It also taught him that being good at algebra doesn't compare to having a great family behind you.