Man seen in police video says he's innocent

Pictures don't necessarily tell the whole tale. A surveillance camera captured what police originally said were the young men wanted for 'sexually assaulting' a woman in Northeast Philadelphia and they hoped the images could track them down. However, one of the men on the video says he didn't do it.

Tyron Stevens was shocked when he turned on the TV Tuesday morning only to see his picture being broadcast.

"I just seen my face on the news and said, 'Wow that's me,'" he told FOX 29.

Stevens, of Northeast Philly, confirms that is him shown in a surveillance video labeled as Suspect #1 in the 7-Eleven store on Frankford Avenue on April 30th.

The video was taken about an hour before a woman was sexually assaulted. She was reportedly pulled down and attacked in an alleyway off of Decatur Street by two men. Stevens says after seeing himself on the video he immediately went to Philadelphia police. He not only gave his story but also volunteered a DNA sample to clear his name.

"I seen my face. I don't know what I'm going to do. People look at me, my mom calling me, my friends are calling me like, "What's going on with you?' I don't know what to say because it's not me," he explained.

Tonight, after FOX 29 asked Philadelphia police about the suspects. They confirmed the men in the video have in fact been identified and interviewed. And since then the video has been taken down from the police YouTube channel.

Although they're still looking for suspects, Steven's wants to make sure anyone who saw the video knows for sure he's innocent.

"I'm nervous like why would they say it was me if it wasn't me? I can get charged, lose my kids I can lose a lot from this right here," he said.