Marine dad celebrates every holiday he will miss with son in days before his deployment

When this Marine dad heard that he would be deployed for the first time since his 3-year-old son was born, he decided that missing all the holidays with his family was not an option.

So, Staff Sgt. John York, from New Bern, North Carolina, decided to celebrate them all in the three days before his deployment.

"My heart melted," his wife, Priscilla York told "It was super sweet."

To celebrate Halloween, Priscilla said they dressed Bryson in his firehouse dog costume and took him trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

"We didn't tell the neighbors until right before we were coming," Bryson's mom said. "If they were home, it was perfect."

For Christmas, Sgt. York pulled the Christmas tree from the garage, and set it up overnight.

"The thought behind it took longer than the actual event," Priscilla laughed.

They even set up an early fourth birthday party for Bryson, cake and all.

Even though Priscilla said her husband came up with the celebrations all on his own, she had one last holiday she wanted to surprise him with.

For their Father's Day, Priscilla decided to compile their year of celebrations into a video compilation.

"I'd like to send him something when he's gone," Priscilla said, "so he has something to look forward to."

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