Missouri sheriff's office offering free alcohol to volunteers to get drunk to help them with training

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office in Missouri wants to actually buy a round on them to get you drunk so they can do field sobriety tests to update their training and no this is not a joke. 

On Jan. 8, the sheriff's office put out a request for local drinkers to come to the station and not only get a free round of drinks but get to be drunk around police.

So what's the catch? Anyone who shows up has to assist in the deputy's field tests for training before being driven home safely, and not to jail they promise. 

"The Sheriff’s Office is looking for alcohol drinkers Tuesday-Thursday this week, and we are buying! Seriously, we buy, you drink, and we provide your transportation home (not jail). The catch? After you drink, officers will be testing you on standardized field sobriety tests. Upon completion of your field sobriety tests, you will then submit a breath sample to determine your level of intoxication. Location: 400 First Street in Hillsboro. Time: Noon-4:00 P.M.," the post reads. 

Like the post reads, the training sessions will occur Tuesday through Thursday and a field sobriety check will take place which includes volunteers taking a breathalyzer test to "determine (their) level of intoxication."

Volunteers must also not have any alcohol-related arrests or pending criminal cases on their record, the sheriff's office says. 

EDITOR’S NOTE – An earlier version of this story erroneously reported that the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office was offering to pay volunteers to get drunk when in fact volunteers were only offered free drinks without additional pay. 
