Officials use DNA to create sketch of Norristown Farm Park rape suspect

It's been more than five months since authorities say a man sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman at the Norristown Farm Park. Today, police believe they may have had a breakthrough in the case.

it was 10:30 a.m. on the morning of August 1 when the 19-year-old woman was attacked at gunpoint in the Norristown Farm Park, according to police. She never saw her rapist.

"We actually do know who this attacker is because the rapist left behind his DNA," Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said.

Using the DNA, and 3-4,000 of the county's money, Steele has turned to a Reston, Va. tech company that predicts what suspects look like using technology called phenotyping. Steele has placed the photo on an 'Information Wanted' poster and is urging the public to help.

"This is a case that keep us up at night. We need help to put a dangerous rapist behind bars where he belongs," Steele said.

Investigators have hit a wall in the case after dozens of interviews, according to Steele.

While its developers claim it's highly accurate on skin, eye and hair color--the technology cannot predict other important factors.

"Only so much we can predict. We can't predict age or weight so our predictions are always at a default age of 25," Doctor Ellen Greytak said.

Steele says his investigators will not haul in a suspect on the picture alone.

Investigative steps, he claims, will be taken first in a case that needs a kick-start.

"We had a violent gunpoint rape in Montgomery County we need to solve and we need help to solve this," Steele said.