SEPTA cracks down on panhandling
PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) - Chances are you've been on a packed SEPTA train with a panhandler asking you for money and not giving up. Well, SEPTA police are working to change that.
The Transportation Authority says cops in plain clothes will be on the trains at key times checking for panhandlers and removing them from the trains.
According to SEPTA, officers will give them a list of support agencies that can help with their troubles. However, it will come with a warning. If they do it again SEPTA says they will be arrested.
"There's a difference between panhandling on a street corner and panhandling on the subway and the difference is that the people on the subway can't walk away. They're trapped and they're intimidated and they're frightened. And we can't have that for our riders and we want to help the folks that need help," SEPTA Police Chief Thomas Nestel.
So the big question is what time of day will the crackdown take place? That part is a secret because they want to surprise the panhandlers .