Study suggests cell phones shouldn't be allowed in schools

We're hearing about the results of a new study focused on crime in Delaware schools, The study suggests that cell phones shouldn't be allowed in schools.

It's becoming all too common fights at school recorded on a cell phone and posted to social media and that's why a Delaware School Safety study is recommending cell phones be banned at schools across the state for parents, teachers and especially students.

"When something bad happens rather than stopping what's happening, they are more interest in taping whatever it is that is going on," said parent Ralph Gonzalez.

The report found that cell phones are aggravating school violence. The study was commissioned after the death of Amy Joyner-Francis at Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington, Del., in April. The teen died following a fight in the bathroom with three other girls.

Rob James is a family friend of the victim and is against a ban.

"I see this girl on a Monday. 'Uncle Rob, how you doing?' Give me a hug, give me a kiss and that Thursday she's dead," he told FOX 29.

The report acknowledged some schools have green zones, like the cafeteria, where students can use their phones freely. However, this study is recommending a pilot program in at least one district where cell phones would be banned or significantly restricted.

This dad is all for it.

"Not gonna solve the problem, but it might be a footnote to curb some of the violence in school right now," said father Timothy Meyer.

He says he doesn't allow his 8th grader to even take her phone to school.

"She has a way of contacting me during the day. She just goes down to the office and uses the regular phone," he explained.

Other parents are adamant that cell phones are needed to keep children safe and know where they are.

"If there is an emergency whether a family emergency or an emergency within school those children need to have a mechanism to reach out to their parents," said parent Annette Miller. "There's other ways for teachers and administrators to address fighting in schools."