Surveillance shows man, 67, chased, punched, kicked, robbed

An older man took a beating during a robbery, midday Friday, and police are hoping surveillance video that shows the whole scene will help them catch the attackers.

It happened midday Friday. Police say the victim was walking northbound on the 5900 block of Hutchinson Street when two men ran past him.

One said "Give me your cell phone" and the victim ran but not fast enough.

The attackers caught up and police say "began punching him in his face causing him to fall to the ground when both suspects began punching and kicking the victim about the head and body."

They took his phone and wallet, which contained personal information, and ran away.

The victim was taken to the hospital and treated for his injuries.

One suspect is described as about 20 years old, 5'11" tall, with a thin build and medium brown complexion. He had short hair, and was wearing a white t-shirt and black pants.

The second was also about 20 years old, 5'11" tall, with a thin build and medium brown complexion. He had short hair, and was wearing a dark t-shirt and dark pants.

If you recognize them or know where they are, you're asked to call 215-686-TIPS (8477), text a tip to PPDTIP (773847), or click here to submit a tip anonymously. Police say all tips will be confidential.