11-year-old Takiya Holmes dies after being shot Saturday
FOX 32 NEWS - The Chicago Police Department held a rally Tuesday to try to get help fighting the violence. The rally was called "Operation Wake Up."
Police met with parents and kids at the same corner where 11-year old Takiya Holmes was shot on Saturday night. On Tuesday morning, Takiya died of her injuries.
Distraught family members walked out of Comer Childrens Hospital to deliver the news no one wanted to hear.
"Takiya did pass away at 8:14 this morning," said Grandmother Patsy Holmes.
Takiya Holmes had been brain dead and on life support since Saturday night when she was shot in the head.
Takiya was in a van with her mother and sister at 65th and King Drive when someone opened fire at another target with a stray bullet hitting Takiya in the back seat.
A 19-year-old man was been charged in the shooting death of 11-year-old Takiya Holmes, police said Wednesday.
Prosecutors said Antwan Jones, a member of the Black Disciples, fired multiple times with a semi-automatic handgun after he and several other gang members went to confront people selling marijuana in their territory at the Parkway Gardens apartment complex.
Jones turned himself in after he was identified by witnesses as the shooter, police said.
Jones was ordered held without bail by Judge Maria Kuriakos Ciesil on Wednesday. He is held at the Cook County Jail in protective custody, which Smith said was standard for high-profile cases.
Her cousin is community activist Andrew Holmes.
"The key to this is the community. We got to quit pointing fingers. Like I said, point the finger right back at the community because the shooter came right out of that neighborhood right there," Holmes said.
Takiya was a fifth grader at Schmid Elementary at 97th and Greenwood, where for the past two days counselors have been in the school helping children deal with their grief.
Parents and caregivers struggled to explain the tragedy to the little girl's friends and classmates.
"She took it hard. We had to explain to her about death and guns, and just what's going on in this world. On the ride home she was crying. It was very sad for her," said Zeola Cotton, a student's aunt.
Takiya's family has agreed to donate the girl's organs, which could help save the lives of seven people, possibly including Takiya's cousin Darvece Monson, a former Chicago nurse who is awaiting a kidney transplant.
"We want to make sure that you get one of those kidneys because you need a kidney. And we love you and hopefully everything will be a match so you can get out of the trauma you're going through," Patsy Holmes said.
They'll know whether the cousin's match by Wednesday.