17 cousins line up on the beach in a row for epic family photo
(INSIDE EDITION) - During a Florida family reunion at the beach, all 17 grandchildren lined up in the order of their birthdates to snap a heartwarming photo.
"It's a huge feat for all of us to get together with all the kids, so we try to take a photo of the group whenever we can," said Christine Fox Roussel, mom to numbers 5, 6, 9, 13, 14 and 15 in the photo.
Roussel told InsideEdition.com that her mom, her siblings and siblings-in-law, as well as all of their kids, got together over a long weekend and rented a house on the beach. In addition to splashing in the ocean and playing in the pool, they made sure to mark the weekend with a photo.
She said it was her sister's idea to dress the kids, ages 2 to 14, in a different colored shirt depending on their family. Roussel's kids were dressed in bright pink.
"We were quite a spectacle heading down to the beach and lining everyone up," she said, explaining that the adults had to dance and sing in front of the kids to help the younger ones stay focused as her sister-in-law, of Annabelle Rose Photography, photographed the scene.
She explained the photo was a tribute to the kids' late grandfather, who died three years ago.
Roussel said the five youngest kids in the photo, including her own triplets, were all conceived in the month of his death.
"My dad always loved the beach, so I think we all felt his presence when we were lining up all the kids for this photo," Roussel explained. "The kids are such a beautiful legacy of love, and I know my Dad would be so proud."